DDRS, Letter to McGeorge Bundy from the Deputy Secretary of Defense regarding the modified installation of permissive action link (PAL) devices on various weapons systems.


July 22, 1964



This letter to presidential adviser McGeorge Bundy from the Deputy Secretary of Defense confirms that DoD and the AEC will take ownership of the installation of permissive action link (PAL) devices. The attached documents are PAL installation schedules with several redactions.


“Letter to McGeorge Bundy from the Deputy Secretary of Defense regarding the modified installation of permissive action link (PAL) devices on various weapons systems.” Department Of Defense, U.S. Declassified Documents Online, 22 July 1964. http://tinyurl.galegroup.com/tinyurl/4PgPCX.


Document made available through the Harvard University Library


Document entry started by Max Rizzuto on June 5, 2018. Entry last updated by Mikael Kelly on October 2, 2018.