NSA, Secret Memorandum from Jerome Bert Wiesner, Science Adviser to President Kennedy


May 29, 1963



This secret memorandum from Jerome Bert Wiesner, chairman of President Kennedy’s Science Advisory Committee, reviews the utility of permissive action links (PAL) and outlines options for equipping nuclear weapons dispersed overseas with PALs.  The document includes estimates for dates of completion and installation costs.


United States Special Assistant to the President for Science,and Technology. Permissive Action Links. 29 May 1962. http://search.proquest.com.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/docview/1679150688?accountid=11311.


Two versions of this document were made available from the National Security Archive:

Version 1 ( linked and shown above)

Version 2


Document entry started by Max Rizzuto on June 8, 2018. Entry last updated by Mikael Kelly on October 2, 2018.