DDRS, Jan Lodal of the NSC analyzes DOD comments on the President’s letter to Senator Brooke concerning “First Use/First Strike.”


September 4, 1975



This memorandum from Jan Lodal of the National Security Council (NSC) to Brent Scowcroft concerns a controversy generated by a letter from President Gerald Ford to a US senator in which Ford seems to have—according to DoD—used the term “first strike” in a manner contrary to strategic doctrine. Despite DoD’s fretting that Ford’s comments could possibly worry NATO allies and undermine efforts towards strategic force improvement, Lodal maintains that the issue has largely been resolved.

Although attached “tabs” are referenced, they are not included as part of the digital scan.


“Jan Lodal of the NSC analyzes DOD comments on the President’s letter to Senator Brooke concerning ‘First Use/First Strike,'” National Security Council, 4 Sept. 1975. U.S. Declassified Documents Online, http://tinyurl.galegroup.com/tinyurl/4PgNKX. Accessed 3 June 2018.


Document made available through the Harvard University Library 


Document entry started by Max Rizzuto on June 3, 2018. Entry last updated by Mikael Kelly on October 3, 2018.