Document Library

The Document Library serves as a repository for primary sources on the history and policy of nuclear command and control. The documents are, where possible, linked or stored on the serve for direct access. The documents below are a small sample of the sorts of things we intend to upload to this section over time.

Topic: 1960s
Date ▼TitleFile
1998-06-08The History of Nuclear Weapon Safety DevicesPDF
1982-07A Historical Study of Strategic ConnectivityPDF
1978-02OASOD, "History of the Custody and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons, July 1945 through September 1977"PDF
1975-06IDA, "The Evolution of U.S. Strategic Command and Control and Warning, 1945-1972"PDF
1969-08-26DOD, WSEG Report 148 - Strategic Offensive Weapons Employment in the Time Period About 1975PDF
1969-08Presidential Succession and the Authority to Release Nuclear WeaponsPDF
1968-06DOD, Strategic Offensive Weapons Employment in the Presence of Defenses (WEPS)PDF
1964-12-01DDRS, Briefing to the Gilpatric Committee by William J. HowardPDF
1964-07-22DDRS, Letter to McGeorge Bundy from the Deputy Secretary of Defense regarding the modified installation of permissive action link (PAL) devices on various weapons systems.PDF
1963-11-13NSA, National Security Action Memorandum No. 272PDF
1963-08-31DDRS, Comments on Department of Defense Draft Memorandum: Strategic Striking ForcesPDF
1963-08-10NSA, Permissive Link for MinutemanPDF
1963-05-29NSA, Secret Memorandum from Jerome Bert Wiesner, Science Adviser to President KennedyPDF
1963-03-22NSA, Assignment of Highest National Priority to Project PAL (Permissive Links for Nuclear Weapons in NATO)PDF
1962-06-2NSA, Permissive Links for Nuclear Weapons in NATO Memorandum No. 160PDF
1961-07-16Atomic Stockpiles MemorandumPDF
1961-01-25DDRS, Memorandum for the record by Brigadier Gen. A.J. Goodpaster outlines his meeting with President-elect Kennedy to inform Kennedy of procedures to be used in the event of a national emergency.PDF
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